So long, farewell ….

So long, farewell ….

auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

Eight years after I set up this blog, I am now closing it, for reasons both personal and political.

I think the latter reasons are well known (the gender pay gap, recent high profile political events,  the continuing double glazing of the corporate glass ceiling) and it saddens me to see and feel that I honestly can’t say that I’ve seen much gender diversity progress made since I first started blogging on this topic in 2007 (for PwC) and then here in 2009.

Personally,  I am no longer working in a corporate diversity role,  despite many (many) attempts to continue to do so and nor do I now live in London,  where most of the events and launches which I used to attend and cover are held.  These twin changes to my home life have led to a slow but inevitable disengagement from the world of gender diversity, which in turn has left me feeling that I have less to say.

And a blogger with nothing to say is initially a blog “on hiatus” and then no blog at all.

IMG_20160726_100055However! I am still blogging about other stuff.

It’s very different and everyone who knows me in person from my former corporate life has been somewhat astonished as to the new direction that my life (and blogging platform) has taken.  I am now working from home in the beautiful North Dorset countryside and running an INCLUSIVE TO ALL bed and breakfast operation.  We opened our doors to the wonderful world of B&B in the summer of 2016 and to date have hosted over 5oo guests from countries all over the world.  As I type this,  we are fully booked tonight with guests from the UK, Barbados and Thailand.

SFLOWR 2017 lbp-15We offer three en suite rooms,  a hot tub and fabulous (even though I say so myself) breakfasts. It goes without saying that we welcome everyone and in fact have upon a number of occasions been specifically chosen by some guests due to our inclusive style and welcoming approach. And as well as bed and breakfast, we also offer daytime meeting rentals of parts of our stylish, contemporary home via space sharing site Vrumi or directly through our website. If you’re a company looking for a change of pace for an internal meeting or a client event – please keep us in mind.

For more information on this new direction,  please visit us at Sunflowers Bed & Breakfast Dorset – and check out the new blog and some of our feedback. If you’d like to come and stay,  please contact me to discuss your requirements and use the code INCLUSION for a discount. I hope that we’ll see you at ‘Sunflowers’ at some future point.

You can also follow my adventures in B&B-ing on Instagram and Facebook.

Thank you to everyone who’s subscribed, followed and commented on The Gender Blog over the years. It’s been a blast.
